
 Beyond the language

Project Story

EduFlix is a startup which I created in 2018, we were shortlisted for the ACMIX program and received seed funding of $13500. It was born from a Netflix inspired project at General Assembly. I was given the task  to create a new feature for Netflix that had the ability to enhance the current experience of users and to develop a unique one to help onboard new users. Throughout the field research, I narrowed it down to one segment to focus and solve their pain points instead of addressing whole target groups. That was the starting of EduFlix. 


Empathising the challenge

What are the pain points? What do they need? WHY?

Why do you watch Netflix?

Although the topic map was created prior to jump onto the field research, the first thing I would have loved to know from the users was 'Why'. From the market research, we discovered that the Australian SVOD market is expanding very quickly, with a 30% (3.7 million) increase within 1 year (Telstyle,2017), there were definitely many other choices to choose. But 'WHY?', what makes them to choose Netflix was the key question.  

eduflix userinterview

    User interviews

  • 12 users
  • Age between 20s~40s
  • Mixed occupations
  • Mixed gender


     Pain Points

  • User wants to have greater choice
  • It is hard to find things especially on Family/Kids section

   Key insight

People watch movies and dramas constantly

  • To escape from reality
  • Use as a form of relaxation
  • To follow popular series

Epiphany moment

The subscribers(users) use movies and tv shows to develop secondary language skills and further enhancing second language comprehension.

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Further user interviews 

To validate the hypothesis further user interviews have been conducted 

     Key insignts

  • Wanting to learn new language
  • Aspiring to improve the language skills
  • Immersing themselves in the language and culture via shows

Persona creation

eduflix persona1
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Defining the opportunity

How do we solve the problems? 

Our solution

Create a feature focusing on language which is entertaining, immersive and effective


How do we do that? 

A generic platform to be used for independent providers or users. The original content is augmented by the educational content.

User flow

The initial solution was around Netflix integration and the userflow was created based on that idea. However, as the idea was developed it may change to the free content from the third party or independent youtube production due to the content copyright. 

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Design the experience

What will the experience be?


Ideation & Sketching

Design studio helped the team to generate a brilliant idea to build a new experience for the language learner.  

Site flow 

Before the wireframing, site flow was drawn to see how the feature will be implemented smoothly so that the user has a seamless experience. 


Paper prototype & Testing 

Even though I could be one of the potential users, I could never be a user. To see how the real user would interact with the service or product, testing is unavoidable and the earlier is always the better. 


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eduflix – prototype 3
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Wireframe / Lo-fi prototype


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Testing and iterating

Where to from here? 

As the idea is very rough and needs lots of validation, from here rapid prototyping, testing and iterating are the key. It really needs to redefine the solution, more interviews with the real users. At the same time, it also needs the feasibility check to see if this solution can sustainably survive in the market.  


My takeaways

+ Do not afraid to go back to the research 

+ Tests give you the confidence

+ Start small, validate, validate and less is more


Some of my projects

Design System - Telstra HealthStyle Guide to Component Library to end UX | Service design - OnboardingEnd to end UX | Service design

Ethi collectiveUX research & design | Service design | Content strategy

SHOUT - Deakin SparkDeakin Spark Accelerator project

© Shin Lee

Are you looking for a designer who believes that little things can make a big difference, a vintage fan who still buys films for her classic camera, loves animals, especially the ones with four legs?

If so? Please do get in touch